What is it about a weekend trip that can completely re-calibrate a spirit?
We just returned from a holiday jaunt to Asheville that set my weary soul a-soaring. Of course it helped tremendously to spend the time with friends I treasure. But it also reminded me how marvelous it is to simply experience a change in altitude. Get this girl too far from the mountains, for too long, and she starts to wilt.
From the River Arts District, to downtown Asheville, to Biltmore Village, to the Grove Park Inn—we did it all. Would you kindly indulge me while I relive it all here?
30 Days of Joy
Love, love, love everything about it and every picture. You gotta love a place that has a Wicken section in their Chamber of Commerce book. Just saying.
I love the phrases inscribed in the massive fireplaces at the Grove Park Inn. And I think the idea of a bloody mary bar is one of the best ideas ever!
Did you see that Bloody Mary photo? There was so much good stuff floating around in there Jay and I spent the entire lunch picking little pieces out so we could attempt to recreate the recipe.
Tim and T, on the other hand, had a delightful, meaningful conversation while we obsessed!