The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Ginny and Gus, and February Joy

Mar 2, 2013 | god & grace | 2 comments

You do remember Ginny and Gus, the Guinea Fowl couple who stole my heart last Fall at Pam and Stew’s oh-so-perfect Charleston wedding. And then this remarkable news,  just a month later: after two years, 12 nests, and 150 eggs (or so), the birth of three Guinea babies! A joyous success for this family of hens who’d taken up residence in downtown Charleston, in Bonnie’s pretty Lamboll Street garden.



Then, November heartbreak—a story so upsetting I never shared it here. The family was torn apart by a hawk attack so egregious it left one baby dead. The next day the vicious hawk returned, and Gus—brave Gus—fought again. He saved Ginny and the two babies, but he suffered great injury himself, his neck punctured and blood-soaked, an eye swollen shut.

I’m afraid they won’t make it without Gus, wrote Bonnie in an email to me after the attacks. This family needs both parents to protect them.

What a long shot it seemed. How we all cheered them on.

And now this, a February update from Bonnie.


Gus, Ginny and two babies nearly grown. Still there at home on Lamboll Street.


a feather I treasure: this wedding gift from Gus and Ginny


  1. Nancy Kollock


  2. Nancy Kollock

    I loved hearing about Ginny and Gus..Once we had a pair of guineas at Misty… They were a delight especially when they birthed a clutch of the most adorable brown baby chicks . My memories are happy even though they did find our strawberries
    irrestible.They gave me feathers which was a fair exchange. Go guineas. Love, Nancy



  1. Life Lessons TheDailyGrace - [...] serves me right, I’d have to say, hawk-hater that I’ve become. There was the attack on Gus and his…
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This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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