The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Day 1: Keeping Watch

Dec 3, 2014 | ideas & inspiration | 9 comments

I’ve been out of commission for the past week due to a little surgery on my shoulder. As I rest and recover, forced to moved slowly through these weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it seems like a fine time to kick off 30 Days of Joy. I hope you will join me as I look for the light in this blessed season of Advent.

Day 1

Keeping watch over me

keeping watch

Sweet Little Bit came to us in a most unexpected way. She was rescued by my mother many years ago, and to tell the truth, she was a dog I never paid any particular attention to. There were always so many dogs at Mom’s house—who wouldn’t want to be adopted by Posey Rigg when dinner was finished off each night with ice cream sandwiches for all? In fact in those days, Little Bit was such a strange looking little thing, as big around as she was tall, she looked for all the world like a Macy’s Day Parade balloon.

And then Mom’s health began to fade, and she ultimately moved into a skilled nursing facility that couldn’t allow dogs. At the very last second I put Little Bit in the car with me and drove her back to South Carolina, praying that when I arrived my dear husband (and our handsome cat) would both open their hearts to this funny looking little creature.

They did. And from that moment on, Little Bit has been our joy and my faithful companion.

How devoted she is. What a powerful reminder she has been, this week in particular, of the kind of love that says I am here, keeping watch. Rest.

30 Days of Joy

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  1. Rosie

    Wise lady and new friend I am coming to know….God places our animal companions in our lives. He chooses them for us. And He heals through them too. Feel better.

  2. Cheryl

    Hope you recover quickly, Cathy! Have you ever pondered whether our beloved pets go to Heaven with us? They are surely gifts from God in this life! I love reading about your Little Bit. Blessed Christmas & Joyous New Year to you & your family!

    • Cathy

      You know, Cheryl, I have always believed pets do go to heaven. But I have to say the thought of being reunited is one I’ve never considered. What a lovely thing. I know my Mom will be so happy to have Little Bit back in her arms one of these days, just as I know she is pleased her little dog brings me so much comfort. Thank you for this beautiful thought.

  3. Jean Griffin

    Magnificent ears! The better to watch you.

    • Cathy

      You are so right. I love those ears and she certainly uses them to keep an eye on me!

  4. Julie

    Little Bit is perfect and so are you. Love the story of how she came to be yours. So sorry to hear about your shoulder surgery. Heal quickly, dear friend! xooox

    • Cathy

      Thank you, dear friend!

  5. Brad

    One of your very best, Darlin’.


    • Cathy

      Oh, thank you, Brad!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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