The Daily Grace
The Daily Grace

Fear and No Loathing

Feb 24, 2018 | travel & adventure | 9 comments

I’VE TOLD YOU BEFORE what a scaredy cat I am, a situation that seems to be getting worse with age. This is not categorical fear–just to be clear–but rather a defined, easy-to-spot, anxiety-producing one that seems to center rather neatly around things and situations that have inherent potential for bodily harm.

To demonstrate.

Start a new business? I’m your girl.

Speak or read or sing in public? Count on me.

Try something new that I am sure to be terrible doing? I am all in.

Zipline in a jungle? Kayak in a shark-filled ocean? Go for a hike where there are Black Bears* and Rattlesnakes** and Long Dark We’re Lost Nights***? I will respond, categorically: Yeah thanks, but no.

(*seen em **read about em ***had nightmares about em)

I write it off to rational thinking, you bet I do, a realistic approach for someone who Loves Life and who wants to hold on to as much of it as possible.


It is a rather limiting approach, as a rule.


AND SO I HAVE BEEN WORKING on some of these fears, a little at a time, working my own plan in baby steps. (I will not bore you with the litany of things like that night I walked in the dark from the studio to the house, or the three times I took the dog out at 3 am by myself. THERE ARE COYOTES IN ADDITION TO THE BEARS, YOU GUYS.

And then last weekend Tim asked me to go with him on a real-live, on-a-trail, up-a-mountain hike. And I said yes, and I carried through, and I did it.


“The mountain to the climber” and all that. We hiked the peak there, Big Butt.


the innocent looking trailhead


Up and up and up we climbed!


following the white diamonds


A selfie for Eliza! (She was duly impressed.)


view to the smoky mountains


back down again!


We went a mile up and a mile down, 1000 feet in altitude each way, and we experienced exactly ZERO bear sightings and ZERO snake encounters. Plus Big Butt was not nearly as scary up close as it is from a distance. (You may be thinking bears and snakes hibernate this time of year, and yes, yes they do, I’m no dummy.)

Still it was a big giant step for me. And it was a really fun one.

So now it’s got me wondering:








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  1. Wendy

    I’m impressed!

  2. Sharon


    • Cathy

      Right????? Yay!!!!

  3. Colleen

    I’m impressed but when it comes to conquests involving the bears and snakes I will celebrate you from the deck. #mightywoman. So loud and proud of you!

    • Cathy

      You’re funny 🙂

  4. Debbie

    I am so exited you are conquering your fears!! Think of all the adventures ahead. (And that selfie looks a lot like Eliza.)

    • Cathy

      You are right, sweet Deb. Good things are to come! (Thanks for the compliment, too!)

  5. Jean McElroy

    Brave girl. I am proud of you.
    Sending you love.

    • Cathy

      Thank you, Jean!

Cathy Rigg Headshot

Hi. I’m Cathy.

This is a blog about writing, creative living, and grace in the everyday. It’s my hope this little spot on the internet will be for you a place of quiet and reflection, a source for inspiration, and a reminder there’s beauty all around—we simply need to keep our hearts open to see it. Thank you for being here with me.

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