WE HAVE MADE our way back to the mountains, and getting to rest my eyes against these ancient Appalachians is the balm I need, standing, like we are, at the end of this hateful COVID year.
It has been a long, slow, painful slog—GOOD LORD BUT IT HAS BEEN A SLOG—and that’s putting it kindly. People have suffered so much. I think of the friends who have lost loved ones; others who have experienced tragedies of different sorts, their pain magnified by the insane complications of a virus with havoc on its mind. I think about the healthcare workers and first responders and their sacrifice; the business owners/managers who have fought to figure it out; the ministers and teachers who have shown up and shown up and shown up. And on and on. And on and on. So many people who have given so much so that we, as families and communities and as a people, did not collapse.
I, TOO, had my own situation, albeit one that scales as insignificant in comparison. In early December, after months of rather disciplined isolation*, I tested positive for COVID. My symptoms were mild, praise be for that, but in the couple of days before I knew I was a carrier, I celebrated my most excellent COVID behavior* by loosening up and seeing a minuscule number of loved ones. We were just back from a month by ourselves in the mountains. We had regretted every Christmas gathering invitation. Surely it would be fine to see a handful of dear friends, one or two at a time, in our own home. Little did I know I was carrying COVID, and of course that’s exactly how that devil virus works. It worms its way in and around and through as you carry on with your life, giddily happy to be with people you love, totally blind to the risk.
I will never get over it, may I just tell you that? I will never forget the feeling of exposing someone, of calling to tell them, of praying night and day their results would come back negative. Of knowing, for them, the consequences could prove more substantial. Of already understanding their stakes were higher.
I WISH I COULD SAY all the fretting was for naught, that no one I was with ever contracted the virus or ever felt sick. But that’s not the case. And because COVID plays by rules of its own (that seem to be constantly changing), it did turn out that my husband—from whom I did exactly no social distancing—did not contract the virus.
What I can say is that I am happy to see 2020 go, that I am encouraged for 2021, that there is a vaccine and renewed hope and we are planning a wedding! I can say I woke up this morning in the dark, with a prayer in my heart, and as I pondered these things the mountains and the sky and the clouds and the sun offered this.

I do believe it is a benediction, and to that I joyfully say AMEN.
~ XXOO ~
30 Days of Joy
I’m thankful for all who have toiled, shown up and been there.
Now let’s be hopeful and prayerful for 2021
We are so thankful for the vaccine! Positive cases with symptoms have crept closer and closer into our family and friends. Prayers for all affected and for returning to “normal” sooner rather than later. Kitty
Cathy, thank you for sharing your experience. Here’s hoping we can all hold on until our turn to get the vaccine. I will wait patiently. 2020 brought out the best and the worst of us. Each time I look to the house on the corner of my block where my neighbor died from covid, I sink inside. It is very real and very raw.
Do not blame yourself for one act of carelessness. Washing hands, wearing a mask, social distancing does NOT mean you will not get the virus. It only decreases the probability of getting and spreading the virus. You can do everything you are suppose to do and still get it. The people I blame for our situation are the ones who do not wear masks in public, who go to gatherings with strangers unmasked, who are deliberately exposing themselves and others to danger. If these people had engaged in proper behavior from the beginning, we would not be in the mess we are in now, and you would have never been sick. Unfortunately, what is done is done. Wear masks. Keep socially distance. Wash your hands often. Take the vaccine. There is hope
Truth! Let’s hope this year brings much improvement and lots of reasons to celebrate! XXOO
Amen with you.
Hugs to you and all best wishes for a wonderful year ahead!
I pray that you will shed the virus quickly. I have had a few possible exposures but all testing has been negative. Because of my age and recovering from complex shoulder replacement surgery I’m trying to be extra careful. And I’m on the vaccine list through the LMC Auxiliary office. Hoping to get it soon! Blessings to you and Tim.
I have been thinking of you, sweet friend, and am so happy you have been taking such good care. I look forward to us being together again–hopefully sooner rather than later!
Happy New Year to you and Tim. So sorry to hear about your experience with Covid! It is a Nasty virus. My Mom died from it in October and now some of my children have it. Hopefully the vaccine will take it away and 2021 will be better. It has certainly made us appreciate our health and our Family and Friends. I know God had me wrapped in a blanket of protection because I was with my a Mom when she died a horrible death and so far I haven’t gotten it but I plan on getting the vaccine as soon as it is made available to me. Love and miss y’all!
What a painful loss and what a time you have had. Love and hugs and continued prayers. I so look forward to seeing your beautiful smile during this new year! XXOO
Happy New Year dear friend! I pray the wedding you are planning is able to happen when and how you want. My niece in NY has had to postpone her special day that was to be held in this past fall. Hoping Spring will allow for their big day. ?