Jan 12, 2025 | writing & work
J A N U A R Y Slow Extended Easily considered Long books and popping fires and steaming cups of tea. Quilts and crafts and cooking. Soups and stews that spend the day in simmer then invite you, at your leisure, to casually spoon-fill right into that perfect...
Dec 20, 2015 | writing & work
~ AN HOMAGE ~ December 8, 2011 To Ms. Lee Smith, First may I say Merry Christmas to You and Yours. Second may I apologize, for this letter has been a long time coming, too long some would say. You see I have been reading your books for many years and feel like we are...
Jan 11, 2015 | writing & work, 30 Days of Joy, travel & inspiration
It surprises me, I have to say, how aware of it I feel sitting here by the pool in this most lovely courtyard in Key West. I am alone, you see, traveling alone, something that is not necessarily new to me. And still the solo nature of it all has heightened every sense...
May 25, 2014 | writing & work
Long before I knew the bluebirds had fledged, I declared May 17th a day for the books, a sort of anno Domini event that would forever divide my life into the before and the after. I had just returned from a full day at the South Carolina Book Festival, you see, a day...
Aug 1, 2012 | writing & work, home & family, travel & adventure
No kidding, this is the road to my hometown. Isn’t that awesome? It’s a journey I took last week, and while it was deeply emotional, it also filled my soul. I hope you will come along with me and, in the paraphrased words of the remarkable Lee Smith, rest...
Dec 22, 2011 | writing & work, 30 Days of Joy
1. You stare at your computer screen in disbelief for 2.8 minutes, maybe longer. 2. You close the email. 3. You open it again, just to make sure it is really there. 4. You obsess over every sentence. 5. Especially the one that says: And you are quite a writer...